KitchenHub Management Dashboard

Our Dashboard will let you know overall statistics, and control entire process: from connecting to delivery services to menu management
Kitchenhub sales by provides report
Kitchenhub sales by provides report

Affordable pricing for everyone

Combined data

Kitchenhub collect all your sales data from all platforms and save you a lot of time from copying and pasting them into spreadsheets.
Revenue and orders across all channels
Sales trends
Average check
Kitchenhub dashboard report sales by days

Optimize your efficiency

Selling online is not easy. We help you find points of growth for your business.
Optimize your menu based on Item sales report
Understand pick and low hours and improve your capacity
Get more insights how sales is going through a week
Kitchenhub dashboard report items perfomance

Menu management

Easy update your menu on all platforms without stress
86 menu items when they are out of stock
Experiment with names, descriptions, and prices
Seamless sync and update menus on all platforms
Kitchnehub dashborad menu management

Take Control of Your Online orders. It's time to Kitchenhub them.

All online orders in one place.

Search Pivot